lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

My family

Well my family is very small, is formed by my grandparents(my tatas: Fernando y Custodia), my mother(María) and my sister(Antonia) and Odis and Balto, who is the Member of the family regalones. My tatas are very specials for me, because they have practically servant me. I have a really special relation with my mother, she is my confident and is one of ones few that can understand me.

My sister have 20 year old, that is the reason that we are so united. Although now we spent little time together, because she studied in Viña del mar. I have a really closest relation with every members of my family. I think that is because we spent little time together, and when we are, take it to the maximum.

I like it when we're all together sharing in the House when making eleven, and we stayed many hours talking. Another thing I like to do with them is to accompany them to buy merchandise.

In holidays and holidays we went to walk anywhere, in order to distract us a bit.

National Geographic's photos and videos


I choose this picture because I love the mammals very much, even more If they are aquatics. At this case, the bear is in a very cold water. It produces much admiration metabolism that have bears to withstand such temperatures. Makes me want to hug him.


This is one of the images but I move nature. I admire the instinct of mother of the animals, which in this case is more than demonstrated. the union and communication between them is more than words. I think that animals we earn much with respect to the instinct of mother.


I think that this video is wonderful. It shows us all the interactions between fish and animals of the ocean, which we can not see with the naked eye. The way in which all fish move together shows that there are connections between them.


I think this video is very interesting. It shows the ability that animals have to hunt their prey. I liked because I am very interested in know about interactions that occur between animals and ways of behaving in a given environment (rivers, forests)


What is your opinion about recycling?
I think that the recycling is a very important action that all human should do. waste that every day we go bouncing are polluting our planet and this has consequences not only for us, the living, but also for our planet, that is which welcomes us and allows life.
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
 I think that it is a very delicate topic, for the same, I think that this topic have to be separated in the differents points of view. First of all, I think that a irresponsable person that don't care at the right time (being that there are many ways to prevent pregnancy), must have that life inside.
But if a person is abused, or before giving birth, know that your child is going to die immediately (mutations) you should be able to abort. I believe this because you can't a mother suffering this way knowing that your child is going to die.
What is your opinion about women in the military?
I think that it is a good way to demonstrate that women are strong and and that we stand by ourselves

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
I think that the Chilean politicians are very interested persons and seeking own well-being. They have no idea of living population, why not can fix things in a country being that they do not know the realities of the majority of the people.



         Well, since i have memory,i remember that animals produced me very curious
and I wanted to get to know them and understand why for example, flying about, why he swam, and many other processes that humans can not perform.
I remember that when I was a little, in a merry christmas I asked for a  veterinary barbie, which I still conserve. So, I don't thought in other career option in this time.
But when at the time that I had to choose, I really I wasn't sure what I wanted to, because I liked other career, Environmental civil engineering and ecology are the other options that I had.
Finally I decided to study veterinary medicine because this career is also related to the care of the environment  aside from having an focus very similar to the other careers,  which is the animal welfare, considering it within a particular environment, and if it is damaged, is damaged to a community that is part of this environment.
At this moment in the university, I feel very happy with the decision of entering to study this career. As animals are around the classrooms, I feel much more motivated at the time of going to university.

In the future, I want to dedicate to wildlife conservation and I want to visit various sites for study interactions between animals and the requirements that have with their environment.


1. About 800,000 years ago, the fire was controlled by early humans.
2. About four million years ago most early human species became bipedal.
3. The Homo Habilis used to live in Eastern and Southern Africa.
4. About 12,000 years ago, humans managed to control the growth and breeding of some plants and animals.
5. The Sahelanthropus tchadensis is the earliest human species from the timeline.
 Answer these questions:
 1. What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans?
-Start to appear more species close to humans. The size of brain started to increase, during the era of greatest climate fluctuation.
 2. In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why?
- I think that all milestones are significant because without one of this milestones, history our aren't the same.
 3. Which early human species was thought to be the first to use tools made from stone?
-The Homo habilis
 4. Who were the first human species to travel to and live in Europe? When?
-The Homo heidelbergensis, between 700 and 200 years ago.

 5. Which species survived for the longest time? For how long?
-The Homo erectus has the longest time of survive, during almost 2 millions of year